Shooting a Photo of Sparks Flying Off a Lighter
I took these after I got distracted from what I was supposed to be doing—taking pictures of my friends to try some new features on my new camera. Several years ago I saw an add that showed a lighter with an amazing spark. I have a lot of lighters from my collecting past when I thought it would be fun to take a picture of the lighter in action. So all the lighter shots I’ve posted happened quite spontaneously and I was lucky enough to get some pretty cool ones
Sony A7 and 50mm f1.8L prime
Canon 50m @ 28mm f2.8
„It might look like a Photoshop creation,”
The lighter photos were taken with a Sony A7 and 50mm f1.8 FE prime lens and the Canon 50m @ 28mm f2.8. The shooting mode was set to multi-shot, the shutter speed set to 1/1000 and the aperture at f2.0 with the ISO cranked up to 1200. I focused on the top of the lighter, started shooting, and flicked the lighter multiple times.
Generally I would get about 5-6 shots of nothing and 2-3 shots of lighter action in every sequence. No tripod, flash, or light source was used. Camera was held in one hand, lighter in the other.
Scary Halloween Mask Shot
For my first Halloween as a photographer, I couldn’t resist borrowing a mask from a friend and try to make a scary photo.
Sony A7 and 50mm f1.8 FE prime
multi-shot, 1/1000 and the aperture at f2.0